Having run many fundraising events over the years, this is how we suggest you promote your fundraiser.
Preschools, Playgroups, Dance Groups etc.
Leave a box of our beautiful greeting cards at the sign in desk with an order form and money tin. (We loan you a box of greeting cards) This way people can have a look at the product. We also suggest that you give all students a leaflet and an order form to help promote extra sales. You can also have an amount at the centre to sell straight away. There is no cost upfront. Just pay when the invoice comes in. (We will accept returns as long as boxes are in original and re-saleable condition and the seal hasn’t been broken).
By giving every child at your school a leaflet and an order form, it is more likely they will place an order. We would also like to leave a box of our beautiful greeting cards at the school office so if anyone would like to look at what they are buying it is there to see (we loan you this box of greeting cards).
Sell our box of beautiful greeting cards at your event and also promote them on your website, Facebook page and any other marketing tool you are using to get as many sales as possible.
By giving everyone an order form this helps promote more orders which mean more money for your community! Have a date set on your order form for when you want all orders and payments to be in by. Remember ordering some boxes up front won’t cost you anything until your invoice comes through. This helps with instant sales for people that don’t want to come back.